Health Coach Cami

Premium Fat-Burner Transformation (In-person)

Say Hello to The Ultimate Weight Loss Coaching

Get my proven, stress-busting plan to lose weight, get healthier, feel younger and increase your energy!

LET’S DO IT TOGETHER! I will come to you (Dade and Broward Counties only)

Because sometimes we feel exhausted, or our lives are complicated and busy, we just need to hand it over and let others help us get to where we want to be….

If you struggle on your own, I got you!

Learn how to unlock unlimited energy without getting a divorce, ignoring your children, quitting your job, or having to drink extra glasses of wine to cope with daily stress.

This program offers the accountability, support, guidance, compassion, and push that you need in order to accomplish your weight loss goals.

Just like you, I am a mom, who wishes had a chef, maid and at least 3 assistants to be able to juggle all the everyday tasks successfully….


This is your time to shift out of low gear and get outta that useless diet that hasn’t been working for you! My Premium Total 90 Day Transformation is here to help you overcome dieting fatigue and learn a REAL process for becoming a Fat-Bruning Machine – and losing weight while keeping it off!

Time to carve a new path. Time to get on that scale ans seeing a number that excites you and motivates you to keep going! Time to make weight loss less of a struggle and more about enjoying the process.

So, why does dieting make so many of us break out in a cold sweat?

You have probably tried it all in the past, diets, pills, shakes, treatments, exercise, you name it. And most likely, despite of the effort, you went back to your initial weight. This happens often, and it can be very frustrating.

Why? Because diets do not work! Ther restrict you, and once you are done, you naturally want to go back to your olde habits.

It is draining and sad… you had a bad experience there so naturally; you do not want to try it again….

I have been there myself, and that is the reason why I invented the Fat-Burning Code. A bran new method that I guarantee you you’ve never tried before. It is a diet and exrcise free method. I have perfected it after 12 years of experience working in the field.

Weight Loss is not a Fit-all type of thing

Our bodies and our needs are all different

And that is why I want to Taylor your journey for you

Remember the good old days when no matter what you ate, you wouldn’t gain as much weight as you do now? Or when you would diet for a week and saw immediate results?

Whatever those days looked like, there is a way we can take what we learned from them, implement now, and move into that shimmering future in front of you!



He trabajado con cientos de personas que han logrado alcanzar su peso ideal.

 Se trata de ser mejor, no perfecto. Recuerda que no estas solo, lo hare contigo. Lo importante es comenzar. Por eso quiero invitarte a ver tras bambalinas lo que hay dentro de este maravilloso programa…   

Introducing my

I have worked with hundreds of people who have managed to reach their ideal weight.

My system is about showing up, being yourself, and trying to remind people they’re not alone. But for those of you who are super busy, I want to make it even easier.  I will come to you.  Wanna see what’s inside?.

The Premium 90-Day Transformation

A one-on-one personalized coaching system tailored for your needs in the comfort of your home.

You’re a-to-Z blueprint to learn how to activate your Fat-Burning potential for a successful weight loss journey that will take you to your ideal weight.

I will guide you, measure your progress, hold you accountable, motivate and encourage you so you can finally be at the weight and health you deserve.



6 Nutrition Sessions


6 Life Coaching Sessions


Supermarket Tour


Exercise Routines


BMI Tables




34 Smoothie Recipes

BMI Tables




Let’s Talk Extras…


Now is the time to start seeing changes.

One of the major setbacks when it comes to weight loss is the anxiety and/or stress we experience due to our fast-paced lives. Therefore, I want to do all I can to help you be your best version. In this Premium program, you get:

3 Free sessions of Access Bars (only with Premium Package).

This is the most relaxing, de-stressing, well-being technique you may have never heard of. Access Bars is a gentle treatment using light touch on the head that anyone can use.

Imagine if there was a way to reduce the noise in your head without having to sit in a cave or meditate for hours?

What if you could press a button and mute that voice in your head that tells you that you’re not good enough or that you can’t accomplish what you dream about? Well, there is  way of doing it! And you have access to this wonderful tool in the comfort of your home as part of your premium experience.

Coul this get any better?

Wait, there’s more… You will get personalized weekly menus, so you never get bored or tired of eating the same things. All custom made based on what you like and your food preferences. As you can see, you are getting the VIP treatment you deserve!

So just to recap: I will come to your house, teach you the Fat-Burning Code, reset your brain with Access Bars, customize your meal plans for you and provide you with 24/7 WhatsApp assistance. You will be getting royal treatment along with amazing results.

Are You Ready?

Let's Figure it out….

This program is for you if:

  • You have tried many methods to lose weight and have not succeed for very long at any of them.
  • You are exhausted not only from your hectic life but from trying to live to all the standards out there nowadays: exercise, eat healthy, meditate, dive in freezing water, wear certain clothes, travel, be a great mom… etc etc etc… That is too much!!! So, when it comes to your inner peace and your health, hand it to me, I got you!
  • You are a busy entrepreneur who barely has time to go to the gym, cook or take care of herself.
  • You forgot about yourself, you put everyone else before you. You gave them your best, and now you feel like it is your turn.
  • You need the accountability. You know you can do it, but it feels better while someone is holding your hand.


So how much does it cost?

When you enroll TODAY, you’ll click open your calendar link to book your session including:

My Fat-Burning Code 3 -Module Curriculum (value: $1,200)

3 Access Bars Sessions (value: $360)

12 customized Meal Plans (value $100)

12 Handouts including tracking sheets and practice exercises (value $75)

Personalized WhatsApp Assistance Daily (value: $PRICELESS)


But relax, because I’m not charging anywhere near that to take you behind the velvet rope of what I really think is the ultimate weight loss system: The Fat-Burning Code.


I want this course to be accessible to everyone who is pursuing something big or small, new or seasoned, no matter what stage of life you’re in.  If you’re ready to not only lose some weight but to feel, and look awesome, you’re in the right place.

But because I’m passionate about helping you crack the code and take the mystery out, you can enjoy the benefits of the Premium Package for just…

3 Payments of $499


Camila Lopez

Hey there! I’m Health Coach Cami!

I’m an expert at weight loss, a nerd when it comes to science and nutrition, and my obsession is learning and teaching about how our brain works. What do I do?  I save lives…. I am not a doctor, and I don’t have miracle pills or crazy machines, what I do have is 12 years of experience helping people transform their lives. I do not like or believe in diets, nor any artificial methods to lose weight. I happened to create a code that turns people into Fat-Burning machines. Best part? It works!!

I have managed to help hundreds of people around the world reach their ideal weight and maintain it. I have struggled with weight loss myself; I have tried everything there is out there. So, believe me, I know the struggle, but I also know what doesn’t work: DIETS. I actually dislike that word. So I want to teach you my Code, the compilation of years of research and trials to finally come up with a NON diet or exercise program that really works. I invite you to think outside the box and try an absolutely new strategy to finally and once for all accomplish your goals.