Health Coach Cami

Your Complete Roadmap to Become a Fat-Burning Machine in a week


Forget about all the things you have tried, and open your mind to an absolutely new way, never tried before, The Fat Burning Code. Take my easy-to-learn 90 Day system to reactivate your metabolism, activate your fat burning power, build more muscle and increase your energy.

Nothing works better to Lose Weight and Keep it Off than the Fat-Burning Code.

No matter how old you are, if you cook, if you have no time to exercise, or your food preferences, the Fat-Bruning Code works for everyone. With every step of the Code that you
take, you will start seeing results.

Without dieting, taking pills, getting injected, or military workouts, you will be able to finally see results. The code teaches you the science behind weight loss so you can decrypt the things that stop you from getting where you want to be.

In fact, I was already expecting to fail when I started my own weight Loss Journey, but at least I could say, “I Tried”

Like many of you, I had tried taking pills sold over the counter that promised to make you burn fat, I tried multiple diets, shakes and bars, I also joined the gym, and NOTHING!

I would lose a couple of pounds and then gain them back. Out of frustration, I would quit everything I was doing and started eating even more.

Years later, after researching, studying nutrition and getting certified as a Life and Health Coach, I was able to put together the most amazing and revolutionary method there is: The Fat Burning

Hundreds of my patients have joined the Fat-Burning Movement experiencing amazing results.


From a Slow Metabolism TO A FAT-BURNING MACHINE


Camila Lopez

Health & Life Coach certificada

Like many of you, I had tried taking pills sold over the counter that promised to make you burn fat, I tried multiple diets, shakes and bars, I also joined the gym, and NOTHING!

I would lose a couple of pounds and then gain them back. Out of frustration, I would quit everything I was doing and started eating even more.

Years later, after researching, studying nutrition and getting certified as a Life and Health Coach, I was able to put together the most amazing and revolutionary method there is: The Fat Burning Code.

Hundreds of my patients have joined the Fat-Burning Movement experiencing amazing results.

Here’s Everything You Get Inside the Fat Burning Code

Courses Covers (1)

The step-by-step guidance to lose weight, increase your energy and confidence, and develop self-control.

This is what you will find each week:


Nutrition sessions


Tips for parties, travel, and events


Fat-burning exercise guide


Formulas for when we hit a plateau


Stress and anxiety management strategies


Virtual grocery store tour


Guide on how to fast


34 smoothie recipes


51 guilt-free recipes


Metabolism reactivation techniques


For whom is this program?

For those who are tired of trying everything to lose weight and want something new that is proven to work!

· For those who want to become fat burners, increase muscle mass, and lose weight without diets or restrictions.

· For those who need support and guidance because they feel it's harder alone.

· For those who are tired of living without energy, with discomforts and pains, and are ready for a change.

· For people with NORMAL lives: who travel, eat out, go to parties, and enjoy a drink occasionally!

For whom this program is NOT

For people who want to lose weight quickly regardless of the method.

For those who do not have an hour a week to connect to Zoom sessions.

For individuals looking for a short-term solution rather than a long-term commitment.


This is what you will find in our Zoom sessions:

9 nutrition sessions

We will meet once a week via Zoom for private sessions exclusively for you. It's a personalized program tailored to your lifestyle. Whether you travel, enjoy dining out, or like to have a glass of wine, don't worry—everything will be tailored to fit your needs. You will be learning the Fat-Burning Code, the tool that brought me to fame. You'll achieve weight loss, increase muscle mass, and burn fat like never before.

Tips for parties, travel, and events:

There's no need to deprive yourself of what you enjoy to achieve your goals. In this program, I'll teach you how you can continue going to restaurants, events, traveling, and even enjoying alcohol while still seeing results and getting closer to your goal.

Fat-Burning Exercise Guide

Learn how to build muscle, burn fat, and tone your body in just a few minutes a day. I will teach you the most scientifically proven effective technique on the market to achieve your goals without the need for personal trainers or gyms.

Formulas for when we hit a plateau (if it happens)

Some metabolisms are a bit slower, but you have nothing to worry about. I'll provide you with not just one, but many strategies in case you hit a plateau or find it hard to lose weight. With my 12 years of experience, believe me, I have the best keys to ensure every type of body and metabolism reaches its ideal weight.

Stress and Anxiety Management Strategies

The most important thing for you is to learn how to sustain the new habits you will acquire. After all, we've tried everything, and most of the time, we end up back at the same point. But not this time! I will teach you the Neuro-Linguistic techniques used with addicts that have been so successful that many celebrities and famous athletes are now using them.

Virtual Grocery Store Tour

Did you know that some sweeteners in our foods were originally pesticides? Did you know that many products labeled as organic aren't really organic? Well, in this session, I will virtually take you to the grocery store and uncover all the hidden truths that most companies don't want you to know. This way, you can avoid unknowingly compromising your health and that of your family.

Guide on How to Fast

TYou would be surprised to know that 80% of people who think they are fasting are actually not. Why? Because they don't know what breaks a fast and what doesn't. So, in this session, I will teach you how to properly break and maintain a fast so you can reap its wonderful healing benefits.

34 smoothie recipes

The pleasure is in variety, I will share with you many ways to make healthy and delicious smoothies so you don't get tired of the same thing. Making eating well is fun!

51 Guilt-Free Recipes

You will receive these recipes specifically designed to nourish the body, lose weight and savor and enjoy good eating. You will be surprised by how practical, easy and delicious each of them are! Enjoy!

Metabolism reactivation techniques

Each of the sessions that we will have on managing the mind and emotions come accompanied by exercises that you can do to obtain the greatest possible benefit and become an expert in managing your brain!

I want to start my transformation with cami today!


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