I invite you to form your own group: at the office, with your family or friends…
You are probably wondering why you would consider doing so…
Well, the reason behind it is that people who work in groups usually get better results than those who work individually when it comes to weight loss.
In my experience, when people come together for a common purpose, great empathy occurs. The level of enthusiasm and the sense of belonging rises.
They share their victories, their ups and downs but most important, they have each other’s support.
Having someone that understands you makes a huge difference when it comes to going through a challenge.
My group weight loss program is a very dynamic and fun way to achieve your goals and create amazing bonds with those who share your dreams.
As a group, you will receive the same information as the individual 90-Day Program, but you will also get the company, healthy and fun competition, more interaction and a very significant discount. So, why not?
We will combine my experience, your goals, and the support of the group and as a result you will all lose weight, gain energy, heal your body and learn a new sustainable healthy lifestyle.
I am not only a Health Coach; I am living my dream and fulfilling my mission in life.
For years, I’ve been helping people transform into who they really want to be.
My path began with my own transformation. I always thought I was healthy because I felt “ok”.
But now, 8 years and 30 pounds less later, I realized how wrong I was.
I’m lucky I never developed any serious illnesses with the unhealthy lifestyle I had.
But I do remember always feeling frustrated, getting tired from climbing a few stairs, and getting swollen hands just from walking less than a mile. I also had constant heartburn and could not sleep well. But hey, you end up convincing yourself that it’s all normal!
It becomes your natural state; but let me tell you something, that’s not life…
That’s why I have dedicated my life to creating programs that work, that don’t require much of your time and that get you quick results!
I present to you my Group Coaching Program!
I have to confess; this is the program in which I have the most fun… I love the interaction, healthy competition, and energy of the groups…
I promise you it will be a fun and very fulfilling experience.
Imagine that…
Laugh, cry and celebrate with your colleagues this life-changing experience!